Opening new retail stores

  1. Selecting premises and negotiations for excellent conditions
  2. Based on our client’s specific needs and desires we personally look for, select and offer suitable premises. We present to our client about three different options and help making the best choice. Once the choice has been made, we personally negotiate the terms and conditions for the premises, using our experience and contacts in the biggest 45 Bulgarian cities. All this we are able to execute without the presence of our clients, we travel as they usually stay in their offices.

    We have established more than 50 retail stores in Bulgaria and abroad.

  3. Getting the store ready and branding
  4. We organize all the activities for opening the store – repair, construction works, certificates and legal aspects from national and local authorities, specific documents for operating the store, etc. We organize external and internal branding, merchandize and opening ceremony too.

  5. Recruitment and staff trainings
  6. We make HR recruitment, initial and secondary trainings. We assist you in establishing company procedures and preparing educational materials for interns, we execute sales trainings with focus on your products, find demotivation factors and conduct motivational events.

    We reach good results and manage to create long term profitable sales teams.

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