Management and optimization of retail stores

  • Revision and examination of all procedures in a retail store
  • We execute on the field visit in your retail stores and carefully monitor the procedures – salespeople outfit, customer service, sales steps incl. cross-sales, order processing, etc. Additionally, we analyze store location, branding, arrangement and merchandise, hygiene, use of ERP system, etc.
    Based on our personal experience in your stores we make proposals for optimization and improvements in the store management for increasing the profits.

    We’ve reached a profit increase of 10-50%.

  • Staff recruitment and coaching
  • We make HR recruitment, initial and secondary training. We assist you in establishing company procedures and preparing educational materials for interns, we execute sales training with a focus on your products, find demotivation factors and conduct motivational events.

    We reach good results and manage to create long term profitable sales teams.

  • Establishment and enforcement of sales procedures
  • Based on the retail stores analyze we make proposals for improvements in the employee’s work. Reducing the parasite activities, speeding up the customer service, knowing the sales steps and use of them, cross-sales, excellent knowledge of own products are main factors, which affect sales.

    For one of our clients, we have increased sales by 45%.

  • Creation of bonus schemes and control procedure
  • Just the creation of company rules is not enough effort for their execution. Important factors for obeying the company rules are motivation and staff control. Motivation usually is achieved by a positive work environment and an adequate social package. Control is achieved by successful management and reliable video monitoring. We make specific bonus scheme proposals for the salespeople in your company, based mainly on individual results, as well as proper monitoring measures.

    For one of our clients, we have made a bonus scheme for salespeople and warehouse staff, based on results, which have increased individual achievements with 13%.